The research group comes working with modern technologies that are trending in the computer science area as:

Reactive Architecture

is an approach focused on building responsive, resilient, and elastic systems using asynchronous message passing. It aims to handle modern challenges like scalability and concurrency in distributed environments.

Multi-Agent system

is a computational system comprising multiple autonomous agents that interact, collaborate, and adapt to achieve individual or collective goals. Each agent operates independently, contributing to emergent behavior and finding applications in robotics, social simulations, distributed systems, and more.

Digital Twin

is a virtual representation or digital replica of a physical object, system, or process. It uses real-time data and simulations to mirror the behavior, characteristics, and performance of its physical counterpart.

Smart Objects

refer to physical devices or things that are equipped with embedded sensors, processors, and communication capabilities, allowing them to collect and exchange data with other devices or systems over the internet.

Federated Learning

is a machine learning approach that allows multiple devices or edge nodes to collaboratively train a shared model while keeping the data localized on each device. It is designed to address privacy and data security concerns in scenarios where data cannot or should not be centralized in a single location, such as in IoT devices or mobile phones.


refer to formal and shared representations of knowledge that enable communication and interaction between different autonomous agents. An ontology in MAS provides a common vocabulary and a set of well-defined rules for describing the entities, concepts, relationships, and actions relevant to the domain in which the agents operate.